
Extends Page. Represents a course or bookable event within the booking system.

endDate Date | Null
The date on which the event ends, or null if no end date was specified.
endTime String | Null
The time on the endDate at which the event ends, or null if no end date was specified.
eventId Number
The system ID for the event.
startDate Date | Null
The date on which the event starts, or null if no start date was specified.
startTime String | Null
The time at which the event starts on the startDate, or null if no start date was specified.

host() Contact | Null
The host of the event, this is generally a person or organisation.
slots() Array

An Array with each element within the array containing an EventSlot for the event. This may be an itinerary over one or more days, or time slots on the same day.

venue() Contact | Null

The location where the event will take place.