
EV Script has the following types of operators:

Concatenate with the + Operator

used to add string variables or text together (concatenation).

    var firstName = 'Bobby';
    var lastName = 'Bobson';
    var fullName = firstName + ' ' + lastName;

Arithmetic Operators

used to perform mathematical operations between variables and/or values.

+ Addition or concatenation
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
% Modulous (division remainder)
++A Increment before assignment
A++ Increment after assignment
--A Decrement before assignment
A-- Decrement after assignment

Assignment Operators

used to assign values to variables.

= e.g. A=B Assign B to A
+= e.g. A+=B Shorthand for A = A+B
-= e.g. A-=B Shorthand for A = A-B
*= e.g. A*=B Shorthand for A = A*B
/= e.g. A/=B Shorthand for A = A/B
%= e.g. A%=B Shorthand for A = A%B

Comparison Operators

used in logical statements to identify the relationship between variables or values.

== is equal to
!= is not equal to
> is the left value greater than the right value
< is the left value less than the right value
>= is the left value greater than or equal to the right value
<= is the left value less than or equal to the right value

Conditional Operator

shorthand conditional statements used to return a value based on a condition.

    var c = (a > b) ? a : b;

Logical Operators

used to determine the logic between variables, values and conditions.

! Not the condition, variable or value that follows.
|| Either A or B are considered to be true
&& Both A and B are considered to be true