Add a Specification

POST /api/v2/specifications.json

Add a Specification object.


Requires either the products OAuth scope.

Request body

Your request body must contain an object including:

data required
Containing a Specification object.

Example: minimum requirements

To add a Specification you must POST JSON to this resource within a data object. The minimum requirement for a specification is a title. All other properties (such as type and reference) will have defaults based upon the Specification settings.

    "data": {
        "title": "Size"

Success Response

Returns an object with the following properties:

A boolean where a value of true represents a successful request.
The HTTP status code e.g. 200 for a successful request.
Contains the Specification object.

JSON Example

An example of JSON returned.

    "success": true,
    "status": 200,
    "data": {
        "id": 53245,
        "reference": "color",
        "title": "Colour",
        "description": null,
        "uri": null,
        "type": "swatch",
        "sequence": 1

Error responses

If the Specification could not be created you will encounter a response with a 422 status code:

A boolean where a value of false means the object could not be created.
A response code of 422 means the object could not be created and you should check the errors property for further information.
The context property indicates where the error occurred. For a 422 error this will typically contain a value of data, indicating that there was an error with the data object supplied.

Contains an array of error objects, each will have the following properties:

  • name - The property name that encountered an error.
  • message - A human readable error message.
  • ref - An error reference string (e.g. error.not-unique if the reference supplied is already in use).