The Geozone Object

A Geozone represents a named grouping of one or more countries with zero or more respective regions.


An array of objects with the following properties:
  • countryCode
    An ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code. For example GB representing United Kingdom.
  • regionCodes
    An optional array of Region codes associated with the countryCode. We try to maintain region codes as closely to ISO 3166-2 as possible, but this may not always be possible for all countries. Region codes consist of two parts, separated by a hyphen: the first part is the ISO 3166 alpha-2 code; and the second part is a string of up to three alphanumeric characters. For example, GB-LND represents London, United Kingdom. A front-end API is available listing all country and region data in Evance at /utils/countries.json

    When no regionCodes are supplied for a countryCode, all regions are implied for the country.

createdOn read-only
The date and time the Geozone was created.
An optional short description describing the Geozone up to 200 characters long.
id read-only
An unsigned 64-bit integer, which is unique across all Geozones and all Evance Accounts.
modifiedOn read-only
The date and time the Geozone was last modified.
A title up to 80 characters long for the Geozone is used for your reference and internal use only. The title is not displayed on websites.


    "data": {
        "id": 53245,
        "title": "East Anglia - UK",
        "description": "All counties in East Anglia in the United Kingdom",
        "countries": [
                "countryCode": "GB",
                "regionsCodes": ["GB-SFK", "GB-NFK", "GB-CAM"]