Update a Redirect

PUT /api/v2/redirects/{id}.json

Update a redirect rule by its ID.


Requires the content OAuth scope.


Your request must provide the following URL parameters:

id required
The ID of your Redirect object

Request body

Your request body must contain an object including:

data required
Containing updates to your Redirect object.

Example JSON request

To update a Redirect you must PUT JSON to this resource within a data object. You do not need to supply all properties and may choose to only supply properties that require modifying.

For example, let's say you want to modify where an existing redirect rule sends the visitor to by changing the redirect path.

    "data": {
        "path": "/new-redirect-from"

Success responses

If the Redirect was updated successfully you should receive a response with a 200 status code:

A boolean where a value of true means the Redirect was created successfully.
The HTTP status code e.g. 200 means the Redirect was updated successfully.
Contains the Redirect object you updated.

Error responses

If the Redirect could not be updated you will encounter a response with either a 400, 404 or 422status code:

A boolean where a value of false means the Redirect could not be updated.
  • 400 may indicate that the ID was not provided.
  • 404 means Redirect could not be found by the ID provided.
  • 422 means the Redirect could not be updated due to errors in the data data.
  • parameters means the error is with the required id URL parameter.
  • data indicates an error within the Redirect data.

Contains an array of error objects, each will have the following properties:

  • name - The property name that encountered an error.
  • message - A human readable error message.
  • ref - An error reference string (e.g. error.not-unique if the alias supplied is already in use).