Add a Specification Value

POST /api/v2/specifications/{specId}/values.json

Add a Specification Value to a Specification heading.


Requires the products OAuth scope.

Path parameters

specId required
The ID of the Specification is supplied as a path parameter.

Request body

Your request body must contain an object including:

data required
Containing a Specification Value object.


To add a Specification Value you must POST JSON to this resource within a data object. The minimum requirements for a specification value depends on the type of specification the value is being added to. The default specification type is string requiring just a value.

    "data": {
        "value": "Red"

For full details on the value object requirements see the Specification Value object.

Success responses

If the Specification Value object was created successfully you should receive a response with a 201 status code:

A boolean where a value of true means the object was created successfully.
The HTTP status code e.g. 201 means the object was created successfully.
Contains the Specification Value object you created including its new id and the URL imported for the image property (if applicable).

Error responses

If the Specification Value object could not be created you will encounter a response with a 422 status code:

A boolean where a value of false means the object could not be created.
A response code of 422 means the object could not be created and you should check the errors property for further information.
The context property indicates where the error occurred. For a 422 error this will typically contain a value of data, indicating that there was an error with the data object supplied.

Contains an array of error objects, each will have the following properties:

  • name - The property name that encountered an error.
  • message - A human readable error message.
  • ref - An error reference string, which may be used for translations.