API Resources

The Evance API allows you to build integrations for data within your Evance account. 

We're actively building the Evance API, if you experience any issues please let us know. 

Access Roles API v2

List available Access Roles and manage custom roles used for password protected pages, pricing and more.

Branches API v1

Branches within the Tenant Account's organisation

Contacts API v1

Represents a contact object (including users and customers)

Geozones API v2

List available Geozones and manage custom zones used for shipping calculations, regional pricing and/or taxation.

Inventory API v2

Manage Product stock with the Inventory API

Products API v2

Manage the products within an account's catalogue.

Product Downloads API v2

Manage downloads associated with a product.

Product Media API v2

Manage media associated with a product.

Product Prices API v2

Manage price structures for individual products

Product Specifications API v2

Manage specifications assigned to a product.

Redirects API v2

Redirect a visitor from a specific URL path to a different target URL.

Specifications API v2

Manage global specification headings used by Products.

Specification Values API v2

Manage values for Specification headings

Webhooks API v2

Subscribe to account events via the Webhooks API to receive event notifications.