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07 Nov 2022

Sales representatives for complex products

Complex products or diverse product ranges can require specialist advice. Adding sales advisors in your product categories or product pages is now possible with Category Contacts.

Who can I talk to about this...?

Confused, befuddled and bemused. At some point, we've probably all needed help with technical products. Knowing there's a specialist sales advisor available increases confidence in purchasing decisions, can increase your revenue and reduce returns. 

Category collections containing large ranges or intricate product differences can be overwhelming. If a customer isn't entirely confident in what they're looking for, offering a specialist contact over a general Contact Us page is a more personable sales tool. 

International sales

If your website utilises Evance's locale system, your sales advisors can be linked to your locales by adding territories to their Contact profiles. This allows specialists to appear only on the countries they represent. 

Theme support

Your theme may not support this functionality by default, but is easy for theme developers to implement into Category and/or Product templates.

Category templates

Theme developers can add sales contacts to Category Templates using the category.contacts() method.

<?ev for (var contact of category.contacts()) { ?>
    {{ contact.fullname }}
<?ev } ?>

Product templates

Theme developers can add sales contact to Product Templates using the product.contacts() method.

<?ev for (var contact of product.contacts()) { ?>
    {{ contact.fullname }}
<?ev } ?>

  Tagged as : Features and Updates, Selling Online