
Represents a range selection with minimum and maximum value options within a category filter.

displayType CategoryFilterDisplayType
A string-based object containing the display preference for the filter options.
  • boolean - also represented by displayType.isTypeBoolean().
  • numeric - also represented by displayType.isTypeNumeric().
  • range - also represented by displayType.isTypeRange().
  • string - also represented by displayType.isTypeString().
  • swatch - also represented by displayType.isTypeSwatch().
isActive Boolean
Indicates whether the option is currently selected.
isMultiSelect Boolean
True if the display preference should allow users to select more than one option.
isRangeSelect Boolean
True if the selection type permits a min and max value.
isSingleSelect Boolean
True if the a user should only be permitted to select one option from those available.
max Number
Represents the maximum limit of the range available.
maxValue Number
Represents the maximum value selected/entered within the scope of the availble range - less than or equal to the max property.
min Number
Represents the minimum limit of the range available.
minValue Number
Represents the minimum value selected/entered within the scope of the availble range - greater than or equal to the min property.
selectionType CategoryFilterSelectionType
A string-based object containing the preferred method of selection for the filter options. This may be one of the following:
  • checkbox - also represented by a selectionType.isMultiSelect() method.
  • radio - also represented by a selectionType.isSingleSelect() method.
  • range - also represented by a selectionType.isRangeSelect() method.
type CategoryFilterType

A string-based object representing the type of filter, which may currently be one of the following supported types:

  • price - also represented by a type.isPrice() method.
  • spec - also represented by a type.isSpecification() method.
  • manufacturer - also represented by a type.isManufacturer() method.

Deprecated properties
Deprecated, please use isMultiSelect.
Deprecated, please use isSingleSelect.
Deprecated, due ambiguity between displayType and selectionType.
Please use isRangeSelect to determine selection type.
Deprecated, please use selectionType